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Fierté Multi-Academy Trust

Our Family of Schools


At Edge Hill Academy, we use the Purple Mash scheme to teach our Computing Curriculum. It is a well-developed scheme which links to the National Curriculum and shows clear progression from KS1-KS2.

Children cover a range of topics including Coding, Online Safety, Touch-typing, Animation, Word processing and many more.

The topics are organised into 3 strands of Computing which are: Digital Literacy, Information Technology and Computer Science, and allow children to develop knowledge and skills in these areas.


Purple mash provides detailed planning for staff to deliver the Computing curriculum effectively. Teachers use the PowerPoints and videos provided by Purple Mash to teach each lesson.

Children are introduced to their learning aims, prior and new vocabulary and then what they will be learning in the lesson. Teachers model how to complete activities (my turn), work collaboratively on an activity (our turn) and children complete independent tasks through Purple Mash (your turn).

Computing involves a lot of practical work, carried out on iPads and Chromebooks. This allows children to develop their typing skills through using a keyboard on a Chromebook whilst also developing their skills in using a touchscreen when using the iPads, which are both important skills.

Work is set on Purple Mash for children to complete then the teacher can check the work they’ve completed at the end of each lesson.


We have introduced a new format for assessing in Computing, which allows teachers to see which children are below, meeting or above the expected standard. Staff assess for each topic in Computing which allows them to adapt future planning to support the different needs of each child. Children are assessed against the declarative and procedural knowledge for each unit.