Design Technology
In line with the National Curriculum, we have adopted the primary curriculum set out by Kapow Primary. Kapow provides an engaging, knowledge-rich and progressive curriculum for DT. The children complete six key areas per year:
- Cooking and nutrition
- Mechanisms/Mechanical systems
- Electrical systems
- Digital world
- Structures
- Textiles
There are four strands which run throughout the scheme of work. These are Design, Make, Evaluate and Technical Knowledge.
At Edge Hill, DT lessons are delivered by the class teacher in 6-week blocks. Lessons are taught in a combination of whole class teaching, group work and individual work. Cross-curricular links are identified when appropriate e.g. the children can apply scientific and mathematical knowledge to create products which are functional.
We examine and discuss the work of innovators, designers and inventors such as Edison, Swan and Sabuda. These provide us with inspirational starting points and lead us off in many exciting directions.
Children use their own DT folder as a place to record the design and evaluate strands of DT. Technical knowledge will also be recorded in folders. Photographs will be taken of the children’s final product.
We use photographs to keep records of the children’s finished products and all children’s work and progress within the subject. Each key area allows children to evaluate and critique their own work as well as the work of others.